The Fifth World

Pages API

Method Endpoint Usage
GET /pages Get pages that match given criteria.
POST /pages Create a new page.
GET /pages/{path} Retrieve a particular page.
POST /pages/{path} Update a page.
POST /pages/{path}/rollback/{id} Roll a page back to a given version.
POST /pages/{path}/like Like a page.
DELETE /pages/{path}/like Remove your “like” from a page.
PATCH /pages/{path}/lock Lock a page so that no one can make changes to it.
PATCH /pages/{path}/unlock Unlock a page so that members can make changes to it.
PATCH /pages/{path}/hide Hide a page so that only its creator or admins can see it.
PATCH /pages/{path}/unhide Unhide a page so that everyone can see it.
GET /templates Query for template use.
POST /autocomplete Retrieve a list of pages that a given string might refer to.
POST /parse See how the API will parse a given string.
GET /near/{lat}/{lon}/{dist} Get a list of places near a given location.
GET /geo/{lat}/{lon} Return information about a given location.
GET /updates/{num} Get a list of the most recently updated pages.
GET /requested/{num} Get a list of links requested by other pages.
GET /checkpath/{path} Check the validity of a given path.