The Fifth World

Get updates

This endpoint returns the most recently updated pages, and a summary of the most recent update to each. If members have just made several edits to a single page, this endpoint returns it once, with the most recent of those updates.


Path Parameters
Path Parameters Value
num Optional. If provided, this sets the number of pages to return. So, for example, /v1/updates/25 will return the 25 most recently updated pages. A request to /v1/updates, without the num parameter, defaults to 10.


Example Request
GET /v1/updates HTTP/1.1 Host:
Example Request
GET /v1/updates/3 HTTP/1.1 Host:


This endpoint responds with a 200 HTTP status and an array of update objects.

Update Object
Property Value Type Value
title string The title of the page.
path string The page’s unique path.
timestamp number The time of this page’s most recent update, expressed as a Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since midnight on 1 January 1970).
editor object An object identifying the member who made the most recent update to this page, providing the member’s ID (in the id property) and name (in the name property).


Example Response
[ { "title": "Stonehenge", "path": "/eurasia/europe/british-isles/avon/stonehenge", "timestamp": 1606350593, "editor": { "id": 1004, "name": "Jason Godesky" } }, { "title": "River Avon", "path": "/eurasia/europe/british-isles/avon", "timestamp": 1606350479, "editor": { "id": 1004, "name": "Jason Godesky" } }, { "title": "British Isles", "path": "/eurasia/europe/british-isles", "timestamp": 1606350429, "editor": { "id": 1004, "name": "Jason Godesky" } } ]