The Fifth World

Members API

Method Endpoint Usage
POST /members/auth Authenticate with an email and passphrase or the ID and service for an OAuth 2.0 token.
POST /members/reauth Renew an authentication.
POST /members/providers Register a new OAuth 2.0 hosts that the member can authenticate with.
GET /members/providers Retrieve a list of OAuth 2.0 hosts that the member can authenticate with.
DELETE /members/providers/{provider} Delete an OAuth 2.0 host from the list of hosts that the member can authenticate with.
GET /members/messages Get a member’s messages.
GET /members/invited Get a list of members that this member has invited.
GET /members/{id} Get a member’s account.
PATCH /members/{id} Make changes to a member’s account.
GET /members/{id}/auths Retrieve a list of OAuth 2.0 hosts that a member can authenticate with.
PATCH /members/{id}/deactivate Deactivate a member.
PATCH /members/{id}/reactivate Reactivate a member.
POST /invitations/send Send invitations.
POST /invitations/{code} Accept an invitation.